Take immediate action to safeguard your compliance with SmartAlerts

Posted by AndrewT on 22nd Jan 2015

Busy Transport Managers can now get automatic email alerts regarding their licensed drivers and their digital tachograph downloads using SmartAlerts from Descartes. This saves time and enables them to take immediate action on issues that could impact their compliance and Operator’s Licence.

The SmartAlerts tool is an integrated part of Smartanalysis, the UK’s leading tachograph analysis and compliance management Software as a Service. SmartAlerts save Transport Managers’ time and highlight potential issues so that action can be taken as a priority to maintain compliance.

The new SmartAlerts apply to the following Descartes SmartCompliance solutions and will be available from the end of Jan 2015:

  1. Descartes SmartLicence - Online driving licence management and verification with DVLA.
  2. Descartes Smartanalysis – Digital Tachograph download and analysis.

Existing Smartanalysis users can access the alerts from the SmartAlerts drop down menu in Smartanalysis.

New users can create a Smartanalysis account for free by completing the Sign-Up form or contact us for further information.

All the SmartAlerts are Depot-wide and are raised weekly on a Sunday around midnight.

New SmartAlerts for SmartLicence  

Licence Expiry. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one licence that has expired or approaches expiry within the configured High Risk Expiry Band (default 1 month).

HGV Category Expiry. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one licence with a full HGV category (C, C+E) that has expired or approaches expiry within the configured High Risk Expiry Band (default 1 month).

PCV Category Expiry. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one licence with a full PCV category (D, D+E) that has expired or approaches expiry within the configured High Risk Expiry Band (default 1 month).

Licence Audit Due. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one licence where the due date for an audit has passed or approaches within the configured Advance Notice of Audit Due (default 4 weeks).

Mandate Expiry. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one Mandate where the signature has expired or approaches expiry within the configured Advance Notice of Mandate Expiry (default 4 weeks).

SmartAlerts for Smartanalysis, digital tachograph analysis

Driver Card Not Downloaded. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one driver card that has not been downloaded within the specified red* flag period (default 28 days). Applies to Active Employed drivers only. Driver cards not downloaded for more than a year are not included.

Driver Card Download Warning. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one driver card that has not been downloaded between the specified amber* flag (default 14 days) and red flag period (default 28 days). Applies to Active Employed drivers only.

VU Not Downloaded. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one vehicle that has not been downloaded within the specified red* flag period (default 56 days). Applies to Active vehicles only. Vehicles not downloaded for more than a year are not included.

VU Download Warning. Raises an alert when a Depot includes at least one vehicle that has not been downloaded between the specified amber* flag period (default 28 days) and red flag period (default 56 days). Applies to Active vehicles only.

* Red and Amber flag values are taken from the DTCO Driver Card Submission and DTCO VU Download Submission reports (if configured).

Help is available within the User Guide and you need any further assistance please feel free to contact the Descartes Service Desk on 01249 477099 or email servicedesk@descartes.com.