Kent Access Permits are no longer required

Posted by AndrewT on 23rd Apr 2021

From Tuesday 20 April you will not need to obtain a Kent Access Permit (KAP) if you are driving a HGV to the EU from the port of Dover in Kent or the Eurotunnel. The "check if an HGV is ready to cross the border service" will also be closed. However, any HGV driver looking to cross the border will still need to check they have the correct paperwork to hand. Guidance for hauliers and commercial drivers is available at - Transporting goods between Great Britain and the EU: guidance for hauliers and commercial drivers - GOV.UK ( Drivers will also need to check if they need a coronavirus (COVID-19) test and when they should get one. Advice on test site locations for drivers is available at - Haulier advice site locations - GOV.UK ( From Saturday 24th April, work will begin to remove the M20 moveable barrier and return the M20 to normal operation. Traffic management measures will be reinstated in the event of serious disruption to cross channel traffic. For help and advice on customs declarations and security filings for Brexit see