DVSA launch Earned Recognition Pilot
Posted by Robin Layfield on 29th Sep 2017
Roadside checks cost operators time and money. Earned Recognition will help the DVSA target non-compliant operators. Earned Recognition proves that you meet driver and vehicle standards. Operators taking part will share their performance information with the DVSA and in return, their vehicles are less likely to be stopped for roadside inspections.
Earned Recognition is voluntary and open to fleets of all sizes.
The DVSA are now looking for operators to take part in the Pilot and have published a new guide on how to join the Pilot.
Existing users of Smartanalysis will be able to use KPI reports for their tachograph data to help them achieve Earned Recognition.
Operators that successfully complete the Pilot will get automatic entry into the operational scheme.
See the Earned Recognition Pilot Guide.
If you would like more information on Smartanalysis to take advantage of Earned Recognition simply complete the form.